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Release 24.07 - Front Office



Streamlined Workflows to Boost Productivity

Compliance Manager brings a number of improvements to the investment controller’s daily workflow in version 24.07. These improvements unify the way you work with post-trade compliance warnings and failures, and pre-trade compliance override requests. Your daily work related to the pre- and post-trade compliance workflows are now all anchored in Alerts Inbox. An additional number of smaller, powerful, improvements to the usability further boost your efficiency.

Alerts on warnings brings the rich workflow, that you know from post-trade failures, to the warning level of your investment guideline monitoring. This reduces the risk of potential issues being overlooked and escalating to become failures.

For failures that do happen, the automatic classification into active or passive breaches has been refined so that you can designate certain types of transactions as being passive. Typically back office transactions.

Portfolio managers’ requests for compliance overrides now arrive in Alerts Inbox from where you can accept or reject them. This allows different people to receive automatic email notifications dependent on which compliance rule, portfolio, etc. an override request is for. All standard alerts actions, such as assigning, writing comments are available for compliance override request alerts.

All Compliance Manager alerts now show related alerts as a part of their details. As an example, when working with a compliance failure, you will see recent similar warnings and data exceptions to give you a fuller picture of what lead to it.


  • Unified and consistent workflow for compliance warnings and failures.
  • Rich workflow for compliance override request, including advanced email notifications and configuration of who is permitted to accept overrides of which compliance rules.
  • Full transparency and auditability of actions and events, for both pre- and post-trade workflows
  • Granular automatic classification of active and passive breaches.
  • General productivity boost though a number of general usability improvements to compliance alerts, such as new standard alerts filters and additional information displayed in the alert headers.

Subscription based licensing

Compliance Manager

Sales module dependency

Compliance Manager

Improvements to Front office holding service load balancing.

The Front office holding service type is now deprecated. It is replaced by the Front office data service by default, which is the recommended service from version 24.07. This means that on upgrading to version 24.07, a conversion program runs to replace automatically the Front office holding service with the Front office data service in your Service Model. There is no manual intervention or configuration required after the upgrade.

This solution is designed to handle a message queue of position updates by weighting all messages and distributing them across multiple data services. 

To implement such a solution, a new Front office data service type and a Front office data service load balancer service type are available to run on the Service Platform. When you run one or more Front office data services, a Front office data service load balancer service type is started automatically.


  • Improved system performance due to faster processing of queue.
  • All operations with queue are done on the Front office data service load balancer without locking any resources. Loading of the Front office data services is done in a better way involving them all in parallel when needed.
  • No processing delays as the Front office data service load balancer guarantees that Front office data services do not try to update the same positions.
  • The Front office data service load balancer keeps History of updated positions. The service which did update of similar position before has preference during distribution.
  • New opportunities to implement scaling strategies for the Front office data services in future.

Improvements to Front office holding service load balancing

Improvements to Front office holding service load balancing.

Subscription based licensing

Asset Manager

Compliance Manager

Sales module dependency

Asset Manager

Compliance Manager



Support Index certificates in Order Manager

The Index Certificate instrument type is now supported on the New Order Manager Architecture for Equities asset class.

Index Certificate orders can be released from Asset Manager and executed in Order Manager using all capabilities of New Order Manager Architecture including FIX and manual trading.


  • Increase Order Manager instrument coverage.
  • Enable front to back workflow for Index Certificate instrument in SimCorp Dimension.

Subscription based licensing

Order Manager

Sales module dependency

Order Manager

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