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Power decisions at the speed of now with SimCorp One

Whatever your investment idea, you need an accurate view of what you manage in the moment. All positions and all cash, always on and up-to-date, one holistic view of your business.

You’ll find that at the heart of SimCorp One - a complete view across all assets, public and private, throughout the full investment value chain in one real-time total portfolio view.

Gain greater control and enable smarter decision making across your entire book of business with everything from portfolio construction and optimization, analysis and risk to trading, across key metrics including ESG, all in one place.


by the numbers


in assets managed on SimCorp


asset management clients worldwide


client retention rate

Total Portfolio View Report

How to gain a true portfolio view

Imagine the power of giving all stakeholders access to consistent and accurate information across the entire book of business at all times. Get this new report to learn how to empower your organization to make the best decisions based on the same up-to-date, real-time information

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Complete control

Gain greater control and enable smarter decision making across your whole portfolio with everything from portfolio construction and optimization, analysis and risk to trading, across key metrics including ESG, all in one place.
Want managed services? This is available in addition to your core platform, so you benefit from complete transparency and control of your technology and data.

Investment impact

Deliver real scalable investment impact for your business with Axioma’s advanced optimization algorithms and sophisticated risk models integrated into SimCorp One. The award-winning portfolio construction platform and IBOR, covers all asset types, public, private, cash, derivatives. That means you’re free to manage assets the way you want, and retain full control of your investment strategy, modelling and proprietary data.

Innovation for speed and agility

SimCorp One, delivered via SaaS or on-premise, provides scalability at your pace. The platform gives you full data to fuel investment decisions and access to an open API ecosystem to augment your capabilities with unique investment tools and innovative fintech.

Choose the operating model that fits you

We know needs differ and one size, or solution, does not fit all. That’s why we provide solution options that allow you to choose what you need, and when - complete with our expert team to help you be more effective, agile and efficient. 

See all Client Success Stories

How we helped Asset Managers around the world


How SimCorp helped


A leading European asset manager with USD 900B AUM needed a scalable platform and fewer front office tools to manage high volumes.

How SimCorp helped

SimCorp provided one integrated front to back platform with global support. This replaced several customized and best of breed tools.

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A global fixed-income specialist experienced rapid growth and needed a system enabling more automation and scalability.

How SimCorp helped

SimCorp replaced legacy systems with one integrated front to back platform providing scalability to grow and manage market surges. 

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One of the world’s leading institutional investors wanted to revisit their operating model to embrace the latest tech to enable greater agility, scale and efficiency.

How SimCorp helped

SimCorp provided a solid data foundation across all asset classes with a modern cloud infrastructure that facilitates innovation, while simplifying and optimizing operations. 

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