Market & Investment Risk Insights webinar (Global Equities)
Q4 2024
What lies beneath 2024’s stellar market performance?
The fourth quarter of 2024 was propelled by an accommodating Federal Reserve and saw an election that put to rest fears of a divided government that would achieve little in the next few years.
We witnessed strong US equity performance throughout, but the concerns about market concentration, and the lagging fortunes of many other markets remain top of mind, as do concerns about the economic impact of some potential policies of the incoming administration. Against this backdrop – surprisingly – predicted volatility remained relatively low, and most style factors behaved “as expected”.
In this webinar we discussed this and more, to help attendees understand the fourth quarter and full-year risk environment in which they were investing, through the lens of the Axioma suite of risk solutions.
Melissa Brown, Head of Investment Decision Research, SimCorp
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