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UI labs

Client story

UI Labs provides front and middle office services powered by SimCorp for 400+ asset managers

UI Labs, a member of Universal Investment, provides front and middle office services for more than 400 asset managers powered by SimCorp. This allows UI’s clients to focus on their core expertise, while they take care of the technology platform.

In this video, Matthias Biedenkapp, CEO and Managing Director for UI Labs, shares how servicing SimCorp has enabled growth for their clients without the need to set up their own expensive software. The clients have benefitted from reduced time-to-market, faster straight through processing (STP), and more timely access to data for all fund mandates.

Furthermore, UI Labs can also easily customize the software to suit their clients’ specific needs. Since SimCorp Dimension’s front office modules are integrated the data flows seamlessly between the Asset Manager, Compliance Manager and Order Manager.

“I think that is what the asset managers prefer, high quality (data), stability and we can configure it very easily on the integrated platform. That is one of the best benefits of SimCorp Dimension. SimCorp Dimension helped us to enable growth in different ways.”

Matthias Biedenkapp

CEO and Managing Director, UI Labs

Quick Facts

Headquarters: Frankfurt, Germany

About the UI Labs 

UI labs is one of the leading IT service providers and software developers for front office solutions, data management and reporting solutions in the financial industry. We develop IT solutions for institutional clients, asset managers and family offices in the DACH region.  

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