Building sustainable portfolios
Minimize the risk impact of exclusions
Rob Stubbs, PhD, Senior Principal of Incubation
Melissa Brown, Head of Investment Decision Research
Portfolio optimization tools can help you maximize sustainability exposures while limiting active risk.
That is often the goal of many investors: to improve the sustainability profile of their portfolios without straying too much from a market-cap weighted benchmark. So how do you begin building these sustainable portfolios? As a starting point, one might consider excluding some ‘undesirable’ categories from a given index or portfolio. But that is exactly that – a starting point.
In this paper, we will show how using portfolio optimization tools (we use the Axioma Portfolio Optimizer) combined with risk models can produce lower predicted tracking error , thereby freeing up the risk budget for compensated bets, and a more consistent stream of active returns and lower realized tracking error than just re-weighting stocks.
Download ‘Green Efficient Frontiers’ to:
- Explore the benefits of integrating portfolio optimization tools
- View a step-by-step guide for the initial step in building sustainable portfolios
- Understand the interplay between different individual risk factors like industries and style factors
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