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Customer update recording 

Join us for a customer update just for the SimCorp community


Jakob Højland
Commercial Director, Cloud Services, SimCorp

Benoît Glineur
GTM Senior Strategy Principal, SimCorp

Jens Johan Schwarzer
Director, Cloud Technical Sales, SimCorp

Mark Baker
Vice President, Platform, SimCorp

Paul Holden
Vice President, Services Management, SimCorp

Constantin Safoschnik
Service Delivery Principal, SimCorp

Stefan Schroth
Head of Technology Application Portfolio Management, DWS Group

Tony Payne
SVP Technology and Innovation & CTO, British Columbia Investment 

Mourad Dridi
Head of Investment, Risk, Modeling and Audit IT Department & Head of Engineering and Wealth Management Business Unit IT Department, CNP Assurances

Morten Grumstrup
Head of Business Development, Nordea Asset Management

Watch the recorded customer update webinar

Duration: 1,50 hours 

Today more than 50 SimCorp customers have migrated operations to the cloud.

Now you can hear cloud-journey reflections in this recorded customer update featuring our clients, asset managers DWS and Nordea, institutional investor BCI and insurance provider CNP Assurances.

Additionally, SimCorp product specialists share the services roadmap and walk you through a practical comparison of building vs buying a cloud environment.



Benoît Glineur, GTM Senior Strategy Principal, SimCorp

How we’re moving to the cloud: Two asset managers, two different paths

Stefan Schroth, Head of Technology Application Portfolio Management, DWS Group
Morten Grumstrup, Head of Business Development, Nordea Asset Management
Jakob Højland, Commercial Director, Cloud Services, SimCorp 

Build vs buy

Jens Johan Schwarzer, Director, Cloud Technical Sales, SimCorp

3 years in the cloud - BCI’s story

Benoît Glineur, GTM Senior Strategy Principal, SimCorp
Tony Payne, SVP Technology and Innovation & CTO, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation

SimCorp Services roadmap

Mark Baker, Vice President, Platform, SimCorp
Paul Holden, Vice President, Services Management, SimCorp

From conventional validation & test to continuous testing – CNP’s story

Constantin Safoschnik, Service Delivery Principal, SimCorp
Mourad Dridi, Head of Investment, Risk, Modeling and Audit IT Department & Head of Engineering and Wealth Management Business Unit IT Department, CNP Assurances

Q&A and wrap up

Jakob Højland, Commercial Director, Cloud Services, SimCorp

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